Grupo La Comer

Corporate information

Corporate profile

La Comer is a holding company that operates in the retail secterin Mexico. The company has 89 stores operating mainly in the Mexico City metropolitan area as well as in Central Mexico. Similarly, it aims to serve different groups of consumers through four different store brands: La Comer, Sumesa, City Market and Fresko.

Basic Principles

In our daily work, we base our philosophy on a set of principles that guide our actions towards providing better services for several groups of interest:


We have the belief that our activities will contribute to its progress. The Company is always searching to help contribute to the social, environmental and economic development of the country.



We seek to provide our customers with the best services and good quality products at the best price. Our purpose is based on serving our customers and maintaining an optimal balance between price, quality, treatment and assortment. We are aware that we are fulfilling a social function, which is to represent our clients in the market. By knowing their needs, we are able to offer products and services on right time and place.


Associates must obtain from the company the benefits expected in an atmosphere of warmth, harmony and development. We offer a comprehensive development to people who work with us, which means caring not only for their technical training, but also for everything else that might contribute to their own development.



With our suppliers, we offer and expect a relationship based on equality, respect and honesty, for the benefit of our customers. We want to be an honest and respectful client for our suppliers.


In return for the shareholders’ investments, we will provide the proper performance, growth, and security, obtaining real profits according to the policies, goals and strategies set by the Board of Directors.