Page 18 - CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA La Comer inglés digital
P. 18

policies and processes and are based on the laws and regulations for money
                            laundering prevention regarding the knowledge of the client and/or supplier,
                            collecting the necessary and substantial information to prove our operations’
                            transparency and complying with the required applicable laws. As a condition
                            to maintain business relationships with La Comer, suppliers must adhere
                            to this Code of Ethics and the Company’s internal policies, comply with its
                            provisions and supervise its compliance, through the means set out by La

                            4.2.3  Zero Tolerance
                            In order to maintain total business independence and avoid harmful practices
                            by our staff in any business relationship, the Company’s members will not
                            accept or provide gifts or valuable items (including invitations or gratuities of                                 4.3 RELATIONS WITH SHAREHOLDERS
                            any kind for recreational activities regardless of the means as well as to leisure
                            trips, sporting and cultural events, among others) from current and/or potential                                  AND INVESTORS
                            clients or suppliers. Similarly, no family member of our employees should accept                                  One of the main responsibilities of the Company’s members is to protect the
                            or provide gifts, services, loans or preferential treatment from third parties in                                 equity of our shareholders and investors, maintaining a solid and competitive
                            exchange for business relationships with the Company, whether past, present                                       position in their relationships in the short, medium and long term, generating
                            or future.                                                                                                        the value they expect.

                            All employees have the strict obligation to reject any gift and in the event that                                 4.3.1 Shareholder Value
                            its return is not feasible, it must be delivered to the Human Resources area,                                     The protection of shareholders’ equity is the main responsibility of the
                            along with a description of facts, in accordance with the applicable policy.                                      Company’s executives. The creation of sustainable value for shareholders
                                                                                                                                              must be part of the business philosophy, striving to constantly increase
                            Moreover, it is forbidden to accept or request compensation, loans or gratuities                                  short-term revenues without losing sight of or compromising them in the
                            from goods or services’ suppliers, from potential suppliers or from any other                                     long term.
                            interested party with whom there are commercial relationships or may exist
                            in the future; making payments outside the contracted terms will not be                                           4.3.2 Public Information
                            accepted under any circumstances.                                                                                 Financial information and all records must reflect the accurate situation of
                                                                                                                                              the Company and be filed under current International Financial Reporting
                            This Code does not prohibit the receipt or offer of articles that are acceptable                                  Standards, as they are the foundation for decision-making. La Comer, S.A.B.
                            as a common practice to promote a supplier’s services or products or that La                                      de C.V. is a public company that actively participates in the national financial
                            Comer grants to the public, such as T-shirts, mugs, pens, calendars, planners,                                    market, both of debt and equity.
                            stationary, among others, as long as they do not have a substantial value, and
                            do  not  influence  an  employee’s  performance  of  their  functions  within  the                                The Company is obliged to comply in a timely manner with the legal
                            Company or are interpreted as a conflict of interest.                                                             requirements established by the securities commissions of the markets in
                                                                                                                                              which it participates and with the contracts with financial institutions. Only
                            It is forbidden for all employees to accept invitations from suppliers, clients,                                  authorized personnel may publish materials, impart lectures, grant press
                            financial  institutions  or  competitors,  to  attend  shows  or  sporting  events,  as                           interviews, or make public presentations on Company-related matters.
                            well as gratuities or compensation of any kind. In the case of invitations for
                            commercial purposes such as presentations and conferences, these must be                                          Making false or misleading statements, as well as hiding information from
                            authorized by the General Management before being accepted and travel                                             management, shareholders, investors, external or internal auditors or a
                            expenses will be covered by the corresponding subsidiary of La Comer.                                             Company regulator, constitute serious offenses that will lead to sanctions.

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